Diversity commitment principles with Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas? There is also a motif of nature within Native American culture. Many average citizens of America do not think too much about the world in which they live, often taking for granted the many resources that are exploited so that people can enjoy their lifestyles. This is very much in contrast with the themes of Native American culture as most Native Americans firmly believe in the cultivation and preservation of natural resources. See additional information on https://about.me/vincesalvadalena.
Vince Salvadalena about diversity and inclusion advice of the day : It’s not just about putting some drinks on the conference table and calling it a party. Office happy hours can be a perfect networking opportunity. To start down the road of real fun, office happy hours should have a plan and a purpose. It can prove to be a great get-together and help know each other personally. Apart from refreshments, they should experience something exciting, beautiful, or shocking that creates conversations that go far beyond the borders of happy hours.
Goldman Sachs chose to focus its efforts on Black women, who face dual barriers based on both race and gender. Black women are more likely than their white counterparts to work in low-paying jobs, experience higher levels of poverty, and remain disproportionally disadvantaged across a broad range of economic measures, including wealth. Recently, Goldman Sachs announced the recipients of its One-Million Black Women: Closing the Wealth Gap. The grant program invests $10 million into Black-women-led, Black-women-serving nonprofits and other partners and has committed $100 million in philanthropic capital over the next decade to address the disproportionate gender and racial biases that Black households have faced for generations.
Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas about native Americans and indigenous events in 2022 : Webinar on Indigenous Research Methods by Dr. Shawn Wilson, an online event about “bridging understanding between traditional Indigenous knowledge and western academia. March 9. Our oceans: A deep dive on indigenous issues. The event is “a University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) lecture. Part of the ongoing public event series, ‘Our oceans: A deep dive’. March 17. Omamoo Wango Gamik : Creating a home for Indigenous youth, a webinar from CBRCanada about “an Indigenous-led program to end homelessness for Indigenous youth.
Vince Salvadalena on numerous indigenous events are taking place in 2022 : Tribal Water Law Conference, an in-person event in Fort McDowell, Arizona. The event will provide “important updates on the most critical water issues facing Native American communities today. Hear from Tribes, attorneys, government leaders, academia, and environmental specialists. Native Youth Leadership Summit 2022. The event is for “youth leaders to meet, develop strategies, and to provide a platform to formulate strategies for improving local/tribal communities through policy action and the resolution process.
In Sami/Saami lands like Lapland and other sub-polar countries,an Indigenous belief is that a Reindeer pulls the sun up into the sky in the east every morning. In Asian legends, it is a dragon with the antlers becoming the dragon’s hair-streamers. In First Nations, some myths say it is a Buffalo or Elk, with streamers changed back to horns or antlers in artwork. Each month of the calendar is marked by its full moon and Native Americans named these moons. I received the names below from some North and Northeastern US Native Americans at a Pow Wow. Other tribes or nations call the moons by other names. Harvest festivals were maintained in North America and probably in Mexico and the Americas in August, September, and October of every year, from around 10,000 BC or earlier. This predates anything by the earliest explorers coming to The New World from Scandinavia and Western Europe.